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Caffeine Teen

It's a three cups of coffee kind of day

Alarm goes off, race out of bed

Run so fast I lose my head

Through the door, into the rain

Into the car and out again

Because I forgot my coffee

It's a three cups of coffee kind of day

To the event, faces blurring

Fake smiling so hard my cheeks are hurting

Wolf down any food I can find

Alarm bells ringing in my mind

Calling for another cup of coffee

It's a three cups of coffee kind of day

Home again, swollen feet

Homework now, sheet after sheet

Drowning me, brain is sore

And there is one single miracle cure

Another cup of coffee

It's a three cups of coffee a day kind of life

All start and no stop

A rollercoaster of deadlines and events and socialising and school and-

-It never stops

And there are times when I feel like my body is going to break

bones crumbling to dust

But if I stopped

If I stopped taking coffee like vodka shots

If I swapped everything for nothing

Let's face it

I'd want it all back

Because although life may be hectic

A caffeine fuelled joyride with no end in sight

A relentless attack of dates and to-dos

Of good times replaced by new ones before I can savour their sweet taste

It's better than the bitterness of boredom

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