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When All Goes Quiet

It was all going so well

A single high to break through the lows

Like a beacon of hope

For happier times

For a minute, it shone so bright

Blinding me to my sadness

But too quickly it faded

And with it came darkness

And my happiness crumbled to ash

A day that started off so fine

Turned to sour wine

And I lay in bed

Heart heavy

Bitterness coating my tongue

There's nothing wrong

Not really

It's just a silly little anxiety

That grows bigger in silences

But the night is one long silence

And the voice gets louder

And my world gets smaller

And I'm impossibly alone

And as the sun rises

As the day starts anew

My beacon rebuilds itself

And I'm as light as a feather

Desperately trying to ignore

The gravity of my mind

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