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Yes Or No?

If I don’t make a decision will the problem go away? Or will it prey on my mind until I cannot ignore it any longer? The second one. Always the second one.

Some decisions are so small they barely change your day. This one isn’t. It’s massive and I mean massive in a life-changing way. People make it out to be a simple yes or no. They’re underselling it. Big time. There is so much more to it: ‘What ifs’ wrapped up in consequences tied with a pretty ribbon of the inevitable.

The thing is, this one isn’t just a decision; it’s a time bomb. A great big ticking time bomb. A great big ticking time bomb with a life on the line. Yes or no? Keep it or throw it away?

‘You know it’s not alive yet.’

‘Life starts from the very beginning.’


‘It’s up to you.’

Yes or no? My choice. My choice that will change my life. There is no running away. No turning back. I brought this on myself so I alone have to deal with the consequences.

‘What are you going to call it?’

‘I’m going to be a grandmother!’

‘One second it will be there, the next it will be gone.’

Yes or no. I just don’t know. Can I just rewind and start again? Yes or no? Please stop asking. Yes or no? Will I feel guilty? Yes or no? Will I be able to live with myself?

Yes. Or. No?

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