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Forgive Me



I'm sorry for earlier.

No you're not.

Look, Emily-

Don't call me that!

Then what should I call you?


Evan... that's nice. It suits you.

Don't try to compliment me,

it's not going to work.

Can't you at least be polite?

That's rich coming from you.

Earlier was an accident.

I didn't mean to embarrass you.

But you know I don't like

talking about that.

It just kind of slipped.

They don't see you any differently

if that's what you are worried about.

But it wasn't yours to tell.

I didn't want them to know.

Why not?

Because they will see me differently.

I just said-

But you don't know, do you?

In their minds I am different, I am not normal.



Evan, sorry. You've never been normal.


Just shut up and listen.

You're not normal because of you as a person,

not you as a gender. You collect fruit patterned socks

for goodness sake.

What's wrong with my socks?

That's not the point.

What I'm trying to say is that you make you weird,

not what you are.

People know you as Em- Evan the sock collector

and the boy with bright blue hair,

not Evan who-was-once-a-girl.

You are more than your gender.

Don't be scared to let people know.

Evan? Are you still there?


Are you crying?



I'm not!




I forgive you.

Thank you. I love you.

I love you too.

Goodnight Mum.

Goodnight Evan. Don't let the bed bugs bite.


Ok, ok. I'm going now.

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