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Crooked Kingdom: Review

Usually I hate it when a writer switches viewpoints between multiple characters but Leigh Bardugo has made me care so much about all her characters that it is completely fine. Her way of writing the switches in viewpoint add to the mystery and suspense that slowly builds throughout the story. It is also this that keeps you well and truly hooked- I read this book whilst on holiday in Wales and I finished it in two days.

Now days, many books and film value plot over character which means the majority of the characters stay as two-dimensional cliches. Bardugo on the other hand, has focused mainly on the characters, fleshing out the six main people in such a way that they can all carry the story even if it didn't have a plot. I would happily read a lengthy conversation between Jesper and Wylan for the whole book.

The book is perfectly balanced between character and plot even though once you break it down, the plot is quite simple: rescue Inej, help Grisha and get Kuwei out of the country without anyone dying. However, this is not a problem because the characters pad it out so well with backstory and interactions that only leave you wanting more.

Due to the believability of the characters and the intrigue surrounding them, I found myself fine with the romance in the story. More than fine actually. For me, this doesn't happen very often, especially when I read young adult fiction, because I usually feel that the romance becomes the overwhelming plot point and the story is then full of superficial lust. I could go on about romance for the sake of romance for a long time but that is not what this review is about. In Crooked Kingdom though, the romance was believable and justified and in the background which is just what I like.

Even with the plot being relatively simple compared to the first in the duology, Six of Crows, I still managed to get a little confused when it incorporated the politics of Ketterdam because the text is quite dense. This didn't subtract from my enjoyment, it just got my brain working which was quite refreshing- I felt more satisfied when I finished knowing that I had to work to get the most out of it.

It is one of those books which every time you read, you pick up on something new that allows you to understand the characters more, so I will definitely be reading Crooked Kingdom again in the near future. And then spending hours on Pinterest looking at fan art. And then talking obsessively about it to everyone. And then wishing I could write something like that. And then reading it one more time because it is absolutely amazing.

Overall, Crooked Kingdom is a masterpiece of amazing characters in a unique world and is one to treasure forever.

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